Cali-Camp is proud to have such talented people on our Administrative Team, many of whom have been staff members for many years. Our Administrative Team becomes our Team Leaders who oversee the groups, specialty areas and campers. They are the parents first line of response. If you call camp about your child you will hear from one of the Team Leaders or Camp Directors. Each of us have certain responsibilities and have written a bit about the first few weeks of the summer:
HI Cali-Campers and families, It's me Pam, the Camp Director. Cali-Camp has been part of my life for the past 35 years. How can that be when I'm only 30 (hahaha). This

I hope you enjoy meeting our Administrative Team. They are awesome!
HI, my name is Jeff Sworzyn. I am the Operations Director and work at Cali-Camp year round.

Kelly Zakosek - 6th year - Cali-Camp has started and it is on it's way to an amazing 45 days this summer. The Fawns, Grizzlies, Cardinals, Eagles / CILT's and Roadrunners have come out with a bang. Roadrunners started off the summer with Tennis and with the help from the counselors the children were taught how to use a forehand, backhand, volley's and serving. The Fawns kicked off
Jill Doolin - 13 years - The Cali-Camp Summer of 2010 is well under way and we are having a fantastic time. My name is Jill Doolin and I am the Team Leader

Hello! My name is Ariel Rowin - 6 years and I am one of the Program Directors here at Cali-Camp (I am the one on the right, on the left is Sarah). I've been attending camp since I was four years old and this summer is my first as a program director. Spirit week and Red,White and Blue weeks were so much fun and "UP!" Week has been spectacular. Cali-Camp is such a wonderful place to spend the summer, sometimes I can't help spending a little extra time in arts and

Hello Cali-Camp! My name is Sarah (I am the one on the left of Ariel) and I am a Team Leader for Program along with my partner Ariel. This is my first year here and I am happy to say we have had a great start to the summer. As a program specialist I work to make the themes come alive.
The first week we had the "Cali-Camp Spirit" where I was impressed with the great smiles and support of the Cali-Camp atmosphere.
Week number two brought us the friendly competitions of "Red, White and Blue Week". It was great to see all the campers get involved and work hard to earn points for their respective teams, The Blue Bombers, The White Lightenings and the Red Rockets.
"Get 'UP' with Cali-Camp" has proven to be a great theme for week three. The kids have found feathers that have been dropping off of Kevin the Tropical Bird when she tries to join in on their games and runs away instead. Our specialists worked hard to create memorable buttons for those outstanding campers in each area. The campers are wearing their Explorer Buttons proudly.
In addition to the Program specialist I am also the Inclusion Coordinator. As a special education teacher by trade I love to see kids with special needs be fully included in all activities. The kids with special needs are fully included and having a wonderful time. When I walk up to any and all program areas these kids are a part of the group and are not being singled out in any way. I feel honored to be working with such an amazing group of people that flawlessly encourage the inclusion of ALL kids.
So far my first year has been wonderful and I look forward to finishing out the summer strong.
Hello Parents and Campers! I am Sasha Santacruz and this is my first year here at Cali-Camp. My supervision groups are the Doves, Coyotes, Mustangs, Palominos, Swans and the Wolves. My experience so

The weekly themes have been a success. We just wrapped up "Get 'Up' with Cali-Camp." Our theme was based on the movie "UP." The campers had the opportunity to earn badges at each specialty area. Each camper would wear a sash that proudly displayed their hard earned badges.
Overall, I have seen smiles, heard laughter and that to me is the Cali-Camp Experience!
Hi parents and Cali-Campers. My name is Justin -, the Jr. Staff Director here at Cali-Camp. I am back for my 7th summer and so far having a great time. All of the Jr. Staff members are doing a great job this summer. They are just as happy as I am with how the summer is going. We are having a great time playing games and